Microwave Training Course presents the state-of-the-art in microwave radio communications. The course presents the basic theory, procedures, and techniques for microwave communication systems a Microwave Radio link planning and frequency management based on I-PASOLINK VR10.
Attendees will be able to effectively and efficiently design, install and commission, the microwave links based on the below topics
- Introduction to Microwave communication.
- Types of Microwave link (based on protection & capacity).
- Hardware Description.
- Introduction to Microwave link design.
- path profile, Multipath propagation, rain attenuation, fading and fade Margin 6- planning for Microwave link using Pathloss 5.
- I-PASO Microwave link VR10 hardware, features and advantages.
- I-PASO Microwave link VR10 Installation & configuration.
- I-PASO Microwave like VR10 maintenance and troubleshooting.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to Microwave Communication
- Overview of microwave technology in telecommunications.
- Advantages and limitations of microwave communication.
- Key applications in modern networks.
Module 2: Types of Microwave Links
- Microwave links based on protection (1+1, 1+0, etc.).
- Capacity-based microwave links (high-capacity vs. low-capacity links).
- Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint architectures.
Module 3: Hardware Overview
- Components of a microwave radio system.
- Overview of antennas, RF units, and cables.
- Introduction to I-PASOLINK VR10 hardware elements.
Module 4: Fundamentals of Microwave Link Design
- Basics of microwave signal propagation.
- Understanding link budget calculations.
- Factors affecting signal quality (fading, attenuation).
Module 5: Advanced Microwave Link Concepts
- Path Profile Analysis: Understanding elevation, obstacles, and Fresnel zones.
- Multipath Propagation: Causes and mitigation.
- Rain Attenuation: Impact and predictive modeling.
- Fading & Fade Margin: Techniques to maintain reliable links.
Module 6: Microwave Link Planning Using Pathloss 5
- Overview of Pathloss 5 software.
- Creating and analyzing path profiles.
- Frequency selection and interference management.
- Case study: Planning a microwave link using real-world parameters.
Module 7: I-PASOLINK VR10 System Overview
- Introduction to I-PASOLINK VR10 platform.
- Key features and technical specifications.
- Comparison with other microwave systems.
Module 8: Installation and Configuration of I-PASOLINK VR10
- Step-by-step installation process.
- Configuration of system parameters.
- Testing and commissioning procedures.
- Ensuring compliance with network design requirements.
Module 9: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Common issues in microwave systems and their solutions.
- Preventive maintenance techniques.
- Remote monitoring and diagnostics.
- Hands-on troubleshooting with I-PASOLINK VR10.
Module 10: Course Wrap-Up and Certification
- Review of key concepts.
- Q&A session.
- Certification assessment (if applicable).